Fitness and Kettlebells for Women

... try the kettlebell and you'll never be the same, I promise ...

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

A Review... Kettlebells the Iron Core Way, Volume Two

In addition to doing the DVD Kettlebells the Iron Core Way, Volume 1 about once a week, in the last three months or so, I have begun doing Volume 2 twice a week.

Kettlebells the Iron Core Way, Volume 2 is structured in the same manner as Volume 1. Sarah Lurie lays the foundations for the exercises used in the video first. You will become comfortable with Turkish Getups, Tactical Lunges, Snatches, and other exercises performed during the circuit. You will then participate in a forty minute class with Sarah and two other students. Like Volume 1, plenty of 30 second breaks are built in, and in this DVD, you will need those breaks!

It is important to say that if you are a newcomer to kettlebells, you should concentrate on Volume 1 first. I did myself for quite a while, and I was not a beginner. Before attempting Snatches, you should be entirely comfortable with the One Arm Swing, for example. If you have used the first DVD comfortably, then you are ready to move on to Volume 2. Of course you will need to look through the foundations section of the DVD first. It is important to know exactly how to execute a Snatch, among other movements. I have recommended other resources for beginners that will help you with all of these exercises.

When I started using kettlebells, I was too nervous and scared to do Snatches. My husband showed me time and time again exactly what to do, and I kept bruising up my forearms. It wasn't until I watched this video that something clicked for me. Sarah Lurie describes it as one of her "favorite exercises," and now that I have it down, I have to agree.

This DVD is broken up into three sets of a number of exercises. You will be working hard from the beginning. The warmup includes Turkish Getups, but rest assured that after a workout in the warmup alone, you will not have to do Turkish Getups at any other time during the DVD. By the time you reach the third set, you are already working very hard, but mercifully it goes quickly! A brutal combination of One Arm Swings and Snatches begin the last section, however, and you will start to pray for mercy!

One other exercise that has been challenging for me is the Deck Squat. I have mentioned before that when I started working out with kettlebells, I could not even perform one Deck Squat, never mind multiple sets of them. When I received this video, I did all three sets of ten Deck Squats and was extremely sore the next day. After that I decreased the number that I did and worked my way back up. You'll find you can do so quickly... great evidence that these workouts are working for you.

Start out slowly. This is a challenging DVD but so worth it.

Volume 1 leaves me breathless, and Volume 2 leaves me laying on the floor after a workout. Well, I need to stretch afterwards anyway, right? ;-)

Purchase Kettlebells the Iron Core Way, Volume 2 by clicking here!

For my review of Volume 1, click here.


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