Fitness and Kettlebells for Women

... try the kettlebell and you'll never be the same, I promise ...

Thursday, July 06, 2006

A Review... Kettlebells the Iron Core Way, Volume One

After working out with kettlebells for about nine months, I was looking for something to switch up my workouts... to teach me new exercises and challenge me in ways I couldn't do for myself. My husband found a new set of videos in Vitalics Magazine and handed me the advertisement. I only had to skim the article to know I would order both: Kettlebells the Iron Core Way, Volumes One and Two, with Sarah Lurie, CPT, RKC.

I started out with Volume One exclusively because I wasn't sure I could even get through it. I was pleasantly surprised to find that unlike some aerobic videos - which leave you breathless and uncomfortably sore - this one leaves you encouraged when you find you can complete it, and you might even feel pumped up and strong!

It begins by instructing you in some basic kettlebell exercises, such as the swing, clean, press, and Turkish Getup. Then you will participate in a 45 minute circuit, along with Sarah and two other students. Plenty of 30 second breaks are built in so that you are able to execute each exercise giving 100%. Allow plenty of room and water.

My favorite discovery was the windmill. I had practiced this movement plenty of times in the previous nine months but never quite caught on. After watching Sarah easily execute it, it quickly became one of my favorite moves. I love the stretch that it provides.

A combined set of front lunges and renegade lunges used to intimidate me but after doing this DVD three times a week for five weeks, I could easily complete the set. After a workout, I felt great.

Kettlebells the Iron Core Way Volume One is a must have for beginners and seasoned kettlebell fans. You'll love the class and can easily change the routine to suit your needs. Months later, I look forward to completing this workout and to feeling slightly but pleasantly sore the next day.

Purchase this DVD here!

My review of Kettlebells the Iron Core Way Volume Two coming soon!


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